Being Culturally
We respectfully acknowledge that we are situated on Treaty 6 territory, traditional lands of First Nations and Métis people.
Capella Centre proudly engages with an Indigenous Elder who is a Pipe Carrier and Ceremony Holder.
Because of the ethnic diversity of our area, we have to be uniquely attuned to helping people from many different cultural and religious backgrounds. Family Violence affects all members of society, all cultures, races and ethnicities, regardless of social or economic status.
Capella Centre aims to be an organization that is completely trauma-informed and culturally competent. Included in our regular programming are Indigenous teachings and ceremony for both staff and clients. Medicine Wheel teachings help all persons heal and understand the inter-connectivity of all aspects of ones being.

Most of our staff speak primarily English, but some of our staff also speak French, Cree and Swahili. Translation services are available in all other languages.

Spiritual Room
Our Spiritual Room is a quiet, respectful place to practice individualized spirituality. The room is specifically designed to allow for smudging.
Cultural Partners
Capella Centre enjoys a partnership with the Mannawanis Native Friendship Centre in St. Paul. Connections to their programming and supports include supporting attendance at their scheduled and drop-in events and services. The friendship centre hosts events for all members of the community, including children, youth, women and men. Connecting with the friendship centre is a great way to meet people and to develop positive supports in the community.